Captains Log> 290824 Captain Kestral Roffo USS Shogun
two of my crew got damaged by a flash of light, Command sent a Doctor to us , they recovered and we think they were targeted, we found the lost fleet again secret Squirrel bought us a lot of Data on this species found they were warp capable so I decided if they need our help they would of reached, so we headed back to the remote station, we are hoping the supply freighter gets here this week so we can start repairs. I attach my Lt' s Reports.
LT. jg. Mystik Menkaura
Deputy Chief of Operations
Mission Log 2024.08.14
Today we encountered 12 ships inhabiting each more than 18.000 of a dwarf alien race who lost their home planet,
and we will help finding them a new inhabitable planet for them to live on.
I've engaged the status protocol for towing their ships safely through warp speed 4.
End of log!
LT. jg. Mystik Menkaura
Deputy Chief of Operations
Mission Log 2024.08.21
Audio log of Lt. jg. Menkaura, stardate
Today Commander Quan and i were on Helm Duty
We kept steady on warp 4 while we towed the ships of our newfound race.
Lt. Koda told they could be a offshoot colony of the Xindi Avians.
Also the medical team have been recalled from the Armada and are back on the ship.
we detected on the short range scanners some background radiation elevation but nothing too alarming.
Suddenly a flash of light hits our viewers and after that it went dark.
I don't know how long i went out but i laid on the floor with a major headache and i lost my eyesight.
Lt. Koda escorted me to the sickbay and helped me on one of the Biobeds, i heard Commander quan got struck too.
Lt. Koda stayed with me for a while and held my hand... i'm so scared... *sobbing*... sorry...
End of Log!
Lt Luke Koda Intel Officer
After wracking my brain over the inability of our universal translator to make sense of the “chatter” we were hearing, it struck me that I was using human hearing range as input. Moving into the ultrasonic frequencies gave immediate results!!! We were able to begin translating and communicating! The 2 ships were leading a total of 16 more ships on an exodus away from their dead home-world. Their chatter was a call for help in finding a suitable planet for the 18,000 plus survivors of their species. Seems they are a dwarf avian species that needs a low gravity oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere and after some long range scans we found a suitable planet. Scans showed no sentient lifeforms but a flourishing ecosystem so with the help of our new friends and the smaller size of their ships, we were able to use our aft tractor array to tow them at a slow, safe warp 3 to the new place they would call home. Starfleet has agreed to send help to get the group settled and established.