Ships / Personal Logs

Here in Deep Space

 Start log:     Captains Log.

so today a ship caught up with us just as we were at the edge of our sector, the ship USS Caligula and delivered two new crew members to us both in Operations Branch they were greeted by the crew and were quickly put to work  at helm and Nav ,we travelled at warp 8 then we picked up on our long range scanners a Ship it was fully armed  but it eyes were not fixed on us,  All departments scanned and the ship and inhabitants were unknown all we got was that some were solid life forms others were not solid questions asked: are the lifeforms able to change from solid to Gaseous ! were there two species ! will we see them again? 


Science Log by Lt Georgina Mills:


Last mission report I forgot to add the following webpage:
Emergency bread recipe in event of a disaster. Easy and versatile. Flour, salt and water, adding other ingredients as needed. There are lots of other similar recipes and not all involve growing yeast to bake bread.




Ensign K'Tris got a recipe for a style of Plomeek Broth, more ingredients than the soup, but to me it looks a bit too much like overcooked Porridge goo! Apparently tastes better than it looks. Changing ingredients as we aquire them in future. Then again it won't be Plomeek anything eventually, but we will adjust.

Also the children on board ship may like a variation of Jumja Sticks made from maple syrup instead of Jumja tree sap. The original sap is high in vitamin C. Starfleet crew here sometimes call it glop on a stick, but it's sweet and lickable! Just needs a stick and a sweet desert, improvised as we come some sugary ingredients in future. Adding different flavours from chemicals as they go.

We have a couple of Bajoran crew members but others also enjoy this sweet candy confection. Sadly we did not stock Hasperat so they will have to make do with sandwich wraps and added Tabasco sauce or whatever spice we can find.

Ensign Falls is still working to outfit the ship for Hydroponics, we appear to be on schedule so far.

Officer Jang is also at work on the adaptations to the ship for our mission. We have a lot of Human food on board that can also be eaten by other species. Soup stored as a powder can be used with water as we come across water sources. Dried salt fish can be stored for a while, but needs soaking to get rid of the excess salt used to preserve the fish.

Also stored is some ration packs if needed, but they don't taste too good, it will keep us alive though! We won't have enough replicator rations so the ration packs will come in handy at least for a while, yes I know it's not as tasty as 'proper' food, stop complaining, ok! Sorry folks, you will need to eat those ration packs if needed and that's an order!


Captain Kestral  Roffo

CO USS Shogun

End Log........



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