Bodan Landar SN 66-10

New Berlin, Luna




  • Federation Standard English
  • Bajoran (received dialect and Lotha province dialect)
  • Received Cardassian (as well as written)
  • Ferengi trade pidgin


1.96 metres
Tattoos: See below



-His mother and sister’s names on the left side of his neck in plain Bajoran script.

-The symbol of the Bajoran religion, and by extension, Bajor, on his left pectoral. With a coin sized gap of fresh, un-inked skin from a healed bullet wound.

-On his left shoulder, almost reaching to his elbow, is a pin-up of a 23rd century Starfleet Yeoman, skirt uniform and all; it’s a little tacky, but very well done.

Children: None
Father: Anthony Wood (Biological) – Deceased
Landar Zan (Adopted)
Mother: Landar Sandra (Formerly Sandra Wood)
Sister: Landar Amn

Personality & Traits

While unable to be a pacifist, Bodan detests violence, and is rather sensitive to it. Unnecessary use of force angers him, and necessary use of it makes him uncomfortable. But he loves his line of work, enjoys training the skills required, and is proud of his abilities when they are required. Everything about how he holds himself and how he moves suggests that he would be willing to fight, perhaps even aggressive. The truth of it though is that he is guarded, and always a little anxious, never truly relaxed unless he is alone or in an agreeable environment.
New situations make him nervous, not knowing how to act, or how others will act will fluster him, not being familiar with his surroundings makes him uncomfortable, and he relaxes into them somewhat slowly. The comfort of familiarity allows the typically laconic Bodan to become somewhat affable, someone who likes talking about things of interest and absurdity with his co-worker and is diplomatic enough to be able to calm down a situation between a drunken Andorian Ambassador and a Tellarite General, or at least end it without making it worse.
He lives a mostly spartan, simple life. This does not mean that his life is a lonely or leisure-less one though. Rather, he is a quiet, affable person who keeps his social sphere and wants small. Often, when he desires focus or needs to calm down or rest, Bodan will simply want to be alone. He values anyone who can appreciate this and in turn keeps a respectable distance from things that don’t concern him and cause no harm.
Bodan is purposely tolerant and welcoming of the many different cultures he has come across. He is especially inclined towards cultures with liberal leanings, as well as those that place a special value in personal freedom. On the other hand, he has certain professional and personal grievances against certain foreign groups bordering Federation space, if not the peoples whom form them and the ideals they claim.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Bodan is experienced in the mundane task of protecting important, and demanding persons, a role somewhere between bodyguard and yeoman. He has experience with planning routes, searching buildings and vehicles for threats, performing background checks, precision piloting, and escorting diplomats through their day-to-day activities, as well as various other small unit operations and roles. His previous Militia occupation was an enlisted instructor, because of this he holds instructor qualifications in small-arms, use of force, and the hand-to-hand combat and has had numerous past combat experiences. Training is done religiously, to maintain a high level of performance. This specialization in security has restricted his practical experience as a tactical officer. He will freely admit this, and is intent on improving his effectiveness as a bridge officer.
Bodan speaks several languages: Bajoran (received dialect and Lotha province dialect), received Cardassian (as well as written) Federation Standard, and Ferengi trade pidgin. He uses languages as a spearhead to understand other cultures. However, while an understanding of language and culture helps when you encounter a new one every day, it does not help you understand what the science officer is saying or what the engineer’s metaphor is supposed to mean. This persistent lack of a grasp of science is a constant thorn in his side.
While to call Bodan a workhorse would possibly be insensitive, it wouldn’t be inaccurate. He’s usually inclined to take care of himself, however, if a situation requires that he push himself, whether it be physically or mentally, he won’t stop until he breaks. This can be from a days’ long blitz of tasks or a months’ long accumulation of stress, either way he will begin to get frustrated and unfocused, as well as temperamental.

Bodan would ultimately like to teach at one of Starfleet’s academies, though he has the much more practical ambition of establishing himself as a strong and effective Starfleet Officer.

Hobbies and Interests
Bodan typically loves to read, everything from fiction to peer reviewed articles.
He was also taught martial arts as a child. Building on his Starfleet training, he has been able to further his knowledge of it, reconstructing techniques and exercises from old text and collaborations with other practitioners, in turn using it to supplement his Starfleet training. He loves nothing more than reading the writings of masters and learning other people’s training methods.
He also enjoys the sport of Velocity, though his play is generally considered too rough by most. He spends much of his leave time participating in most activities associated with Bajoran moon camping.

Personal History

Bodan was born in 2353 in New Berlin on Luna to his parents Anthony and Sandra. His mother worked in the Federation Diplomatic Corps, whilst his father was a Starfleet Engineer. His early years were happy, being part of a close-knit family unit.

In 2364, his biological father Anthony unexpectedly died in an antimatter explosion whilst working on an orbital station at one of Jupiter’s moons. It was later found to be a deliberate attack by an extreme Bajoran terrorist group called the Kohn-Ma in opposition to Starfleet’s involvement in their planet’s affairs.

This had a devastating effect on the young 11 year-old Bodan and indeed his mother Sandra and the following few years were troublesome as he adjusted to life without a father and she to becoming a single parent.

Some years later, his mother did find a new partner in the guise of an older Bajoran man by the name of Landar Zan. Zan had managed to escape Bajor with his family earlier on in the Cardassian Occupation and also worked for the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Their relationship blossomed and they inevitably remarried with Zan formally adopting Bodan as his own son. In late 2369 at the end of the Cardassian Occupation, the family relocated to Lotha Province on Bajor.

In 2371 at the age of 18, he joined Starfleet. Enlisting was the only route as he did not meet the Starfleet Academy’s academic standards at the time.

After fleet basic, Bodan was assigned to the USS Tian An Man NCC-21382 as Crewman Apprentice in the Operations Department. He served on the ‘Man for several weeks before the ship was ambushed near the Cardassian border and left adrift for a time and thought lost by Starfleet. Once the ‘Man was recovered, he received mandatory medical leave before being transferred to Security Occupational training on Betazed, on the recommendation of the ship’s counsellor, on the basis that his personality and disposition fitted the role well. Bodan spent most of that period guarding weapons lockers, and being drilled in anti-boarding procedures and evacuation duties.

2374 saw Bodan serve in security aboard the Galaxy-class USS Venture NCC-71854, earning himself a spot on the ship’s close protection unit as the ship explored deep space in the Alpha Quadrant. While aboard he took on additional studies taking condensed Starfleet courses. He graduated with a degree in Exolinguistic Theory, with a minor in Federation Literature.

The ship was recalled from deep space exploration in late 2374 where it saw active duty in the Dominion War assisting the Federation Alliance recapture the Chin’toka system.

Near the end of his tour on the Venture, Bodan applied for a Starfleet commission based on his security experience, with letters of recommendation from his then master-at-arms and commanding officer. His application was approved, and he was enrolled in an officer training course at the Starfleet Academy annexe on Beta Ursae Minor II. In 2381, Bodan graduated second in his class and was commissioned with the rank of Ensign.
After graduation from the Academy, Bodan was reassigned to the USS Venture NCC-71854 as a Security Officer.

2353 – Born in New Berlin, Luna
2364 – Biological Father dies
2366 – Adopted by Landar Zan
2369 – Relocated with parents to Lotha Province, Bajor
2371 – Enlisted in Starfleet as Crewman Apprentice
2377 – Started at Starfleet Academy, Beta Ursae Minor II Annexe.
2381 – Graduated Starfleet Academy.
” Security, Lyonesse Colony, Sarlea Lieutenant Commander Chief Security Officer (subject to change) “2371 to 2374 – USS Tian An Man NCC-21382, Operations Division, Crewman Apprentice.
2374 to 2376 – USS Venture NCC-71854, Security Division, Petty Officer 3rd Class
2377 to 2381 – Starfleet Academy, Beta Ursae Minor II Annexe.
2381 to 2384 – USS Venture NCC-71854, Security Division, Lieutenant
2385 to present – Lyonesse Colony, Sarlea, Security Division, Lieutenant Commander