T'Mari SN 66-4



USS Tyson, Chief Security Officer


  • Vulcan
  • Federation Standard
Spiritual not religious


Pointy ears


DOB: 23630702
T’Mari was born in the Vulcan city of Shi’Kahr. Her mother is a botanist, and her father is a physicist. She is an only child. Her parents are focused on their careers so did not want to take the time to raise more children. T’Mari has decided to delay marriage at this time. A marriage has been arranged and will be completed at her and her future husband’s convenience.

She is kind and curious, but can also be very focused and a bit reserved. She enjoys being in nature and observing the plants and animals. One of her favorite activities is to visit the nature preserves on Vulcan. She also loves to read and the locations described in books have inspired her to explore different worlds, thus her decision to join Starfleet academy after finishing her studies on Vulcan. She feels order and peace is very important and this influenced her desire to become a Security Officer. She did very well with the tactical scenarios in the Academy and she is interested in the science behind weaponry, stasis fields and various other tools a Security Officer would use. She hopes to expand her understanding of the universe and her knowledge in many areas through her career in Starfleet.

Physically, T’Mari is in pretty good shape. She is average-height with copper skin, black hair and brown eyes. She normally wears her hair up or in a braid or ponytail so it is out of the way.