Penrixi Dingus SN 66-7
Pan-human, A-Gani

The Great Maozen River
Planet A-Ga (AQ)

SD439961.03 | 2365 EY

USS Tyson, Operations Officer


  • Federation English
  • A-Ga


Ochre skin tattoos, whole body


Born: Penxiti Sakákriti Tala Din-rama-güs.

A Bladed Warrior of the Den’a-ga, one of the Great river tribes of the A-Ga Maozen River. Tribal titles include Mesonoxian Slayer & Lost Memory Teller. Joined Starfleet to act as a Conduit to her people, the second Conduit following her father Admiral Dingus.


The Den’a-ga were inducted into the Federation through a series of accidents. A-Ga is a Class M planet in Sector 21947, near the Talarian Republic Border. A skirmish between a Federation scout vessel, captained by Leene Dasan, and a Talarian patrol led to the scout vessel crash-landing on A-Ga. The crew were rescued and hidden from their pursuers by the Den’a-ga led by a young warrior Ajunivada Meda Din-rama-güs.

While the Den’a-ga lack a technological civilisation and are nowhere close to space flight, Dasan discovered them to be sophisticated philosophically and culturally, in many ways more advanced than humans, and in unusual symbiosis with A-Ga which displays its own strange form of sentience.

The Den’a-ga knew of aliens, having been visited by Talarians over time, but the Federation were a different prospect. Ancient legends contained a prophecy of the arrival of explorers who navigate the starry skies.

Ajunivada received a revelation in the sacred trance that his destiny lay with the Star people, to act as a cultural and knowledge conduit to them. He formed a partner bond with Captain Dasan.

Her crew lived with, and were accepted by, the Den’a-ga for the 18 months they were stranded on A-Ga before they received word the Talar was no longer in conflict with the Federation and it was safe to message Starfleet for rescue.

Ajunivada travelled with Dasan back to Earth where he joined Starfleet, later becoming the Captain of USS Galahad. He established a reputation as a brilliant strategist and rose to the rank of Admiral.

Their child Penrixi was raised on A-ga where she inherited her father’s titles and status. At 17 she received her own revelation in sacred trance, that she too was destined to be a river to her people and a bridge to the Federation. She followed her father and joined Starfleet in 2383.