Add Mission Log
  Captain's Log: Stardate 250121.33 We were contacted by a
The Archivist
Captain's log: Stardate 250115.22 Since the first rocks condensed in
a new civilisation
Captains Log: 29/09/2024 For the past two weeks we have
The Missing
Captain's Log Stardate 240907.1 Deploying our cover as Raptor Traders
there and back again
Captains Log> 290824  Captain Kestral Roffo USS Shogun two of
Recovery and Departure
USS Tempest Stardate 240828.2030   The crew began to scan
Head of the Snake
Captain's Log | Stardate 240828 We were advised by Starfleet
Change is a constant
USS Tempest Stardate 240821.2030 CPT Knight, Kieran has been reassigned
Captians Table
Captains log,  After we got to star base we had
Friend or Foe…
After a second sighting of a mystery ship as we
Science Mission Complete Return To Starbase
The USS Einstein  Ordered to return to starbase for a
Emergency Distress Call
 We did not detect any borg pursuing  the Einstein ,
More clues
Operations Ensign Luke Koda: Date 2024,07,31 After a crew meeting 
and we arrive
So we are still heading towards the source of the
Training Day and day and day
Computer on ......Captains log   So this shift we were shorthanded
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